Dr. David A. Baxter | Anaesthesiology

1 min

Dr. David A. Baxter

Dr. David A. Baxter is an Anaesthesiologist in Bar Nunn, WY. He received his medical degree from the University of Nebraska College of Medicine. As of 2023, he works with Summit Medical Center-Casper and Wyoming Medical Center. He has 21+ years of experience and practice.

Is Dr. David A. Baxter accepting new patients?

Yes. Dr. David A. Baxter is accepting new patients now at his personal office.

Where can I meet Dr. David A. Baxter?

You can book an appointment via (402) 434-5600575 S 70th Street, Suite 305, Lincoln, NE 68510
You can book an appointment via (307) 234-9657742 S David St, Bar Nunn, WY, 82601

Is Dr. David A. Baxter accepting insurance?

Yes he accepts insurance including  

  • Medicare

Which language Dr. David A. Baxter preferred


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