Dr. Ari D. Amitai is an orthopedist in Casper, Wyoming. He received his medical degree from the Oregon Health and Science University School of Medicine. As of 2023, he works with Wyoming Medical Center. He has 11-20 years of experience and practice.
Is Dr. Ari D. Amitai accepting new patients?
Yes. Dr. Ari D. Amitai is accepting new patients now at his personal office and Wyoming Medical Center.
Where can I meet Dr. Ari D. Amitai?
Appointments can be made via call – (307) 265-7205 | Wyoming Medical Center, 4140 Centennial Hills Blvd, Casper, WY, 82609 |
Does Dr. Ari D. Amitai accept insurance?
Yes, he accepts insurance including,
- Insurances have not been listed.
Which languages does Dr. Ari D. Amitai prefer?